Slowly I've been rethinking my personal care products. I was suprised to see some of my Burt's Bees products rank higher than expected on the Environment Working Group's Skin Deep cosmetic database website. I searched high and low for a good alternatives I have settled on going back to simple ingredients that I know are healthy and organic.
I have replaced our liquid soaps with Sappo Hill Soaps. They do not remove the natural glycerin from their process and so the soaps keep their shape, making less of a mess and keeps my hand better moisturized than liquid soaps which is a huge plus with me washing my hands 100x a day. Sappo Hill Soaps is an Oregon based company which means it's local for me!
Burt's Bees discontinued my favorite "Macadamian Nut & Shea Butter Body Butter". I was very disappointed especially after trying to find something similar. I found that price did not exactly mean that it was better. So when a Face Book friend suggested coconut 0il as a lotion... I was open to anything. I tried it and it was ... the Bomb! I love it! It's all thick in the container but with the warmth of my hand it instantly turns slickery and once rubbed in it disappears leaving my hands not feeling greasy at all! Love it! It even works great as a night cream. I'm in <3
After trying over 3 different "natural" deodorants without aluminum and not really like any of them I decided to go back to the crystal rock one that I used when I was in my 20's. I found one that comes in the shape of an actual deodorant stick. You still have to wet it before applying. My husband loves it. He had never tried anything like this before but is sold on it's simplicity. Best of all it scores a 0! ...meaning it's completey non toxic.
And last but not least... I've replaced my shampoo. I was using Organix but like the Burt's Bees stuff.. it ranked about a 5 on the www.cosmetic database.com website I had to find another option. I came across the website www.longlocks.com where you can find recipes for all hair types. Anything has to be cheaper than $16 to $21 for 8 ounces of shampoo so I went looking for glycerin, organic aloe gel, organic avacado oil and castile soap this weekend. I have not priced it yet...but I feel in control of what goes into it and am having fun experimenting with the different oils. I found that the shampoo alone conditions my hair. Next, I will be looking into making the shampoo smell nice by researching different fragrances.... yummm :)
This weekend I'll be looking into making a fresh conditioner... with an avacado with coconut milk, mayonaise or warm beer and jojoba oil... ah the possiblities ;)
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