Mom of four talking about food allergies and her new book
happy update
thank yous
test results
I've always been so pleased that the allergy testing has jibed with what i've seen my son reacting to. even if i can't give him the dr.s' medications and i only seem to take him in for confirmation of my own instincts, it's all ended up dovetailing into one cohesive puzzle that i have been able to figure out with the guidance of the testing all of his life. the OCD in me has been satisfied with this. and every single allergy forum and every single allergy parent i've met have all told me this is not usually the case.
white beans
navy beans
coconut (!!!)
rice (!!!)
we're still waiting to hear on lentils & kidney beans & they don't have a test for black beans. he was allergic to tuna, but isn't anymore - the one and only improvement. (or was it a false positive all along since he nor i have had tuna since before i even conceived him?) he's also now allergic to lamb, but i've never had it in my life and neither has he, so how did he get exposed or sensitized to it?
todsay is the 3rd day that 'lou and i have been on the rice-only diet. well, almost. we still have to have our smoothies in the morning. but other than the fruit and flax seeds in that, it's all rice, all the time. and his improvement is drastic and amazing. today his skin has lost the rough, raspy dry flakiness. for 6 wks now, he's been scratching me up like sandpaper with his ankles, wrists and knees. even with having gone to the pool, his skin has returned to shiny smooth baby softness. you can even see the difference in the pics i've posted here.
"where's the beef?"
a thought kept struggling to bob to the surface of my addled, rice-infested brain today. it finally surfaced and i realized: the last time he was this bad (at 11 mos), was when all of his other food allergies were diagnosed (besides the dairy he was born reacting to and the egg he became allergic to at 7 mos). i've been sitting here preparing myself to deal with eliminating chicken... and what if it's really black beans, kidney beans, chicken, turkey and beef? (when he was 11 months, he had a virus and became allergic to: corn, soy, wheat and peanuts).
corn medicine update - 2nd day
today 'lou's new rash has crept almost to his belly button in the front and his old rash is beginning to redden and crop up with new bumps today. he's beginning to scratch and dig at his ankles again, too. which tells me he's getting enough corn from these meds to start flaring up his primary allergic pattern. which means they're starting to do more harm than good now, so it's time to stop. at least they helped most of the open sores to close and much of the rawness to dry up.
1st day after giving (corn) meds
here is 'lou today, after starting the meds last night and giving him this morning's dose, as well. hubby and i both agree that his previous sites already look a little better. his wrists, ankles and knees were red and irritated w/ pimple-like sores opening up on them. already today they look much drier and flakier, not so beefy and irritated.
how do you say, 'relapse' in pig latin?
we've been at baseline for a wonderful 9ish months until about 6 wks ago. lou is 2 3/4 and was born with 100% blood for stools & losing weight for his 1st 7 wks until we eliminated dairy completely. he doesn't come up allergic to it on the skin or RAST tests, but any accidental exposure to traces of goat's or cow dairy causes an immediate reaction of full torso hives & itching that can last for days. he has gone on to become allergic on both skin and RAST tests to: egg, corn, soy, wheat, peanuts, almonds, catfish, tuna, cats, dog - and without a test for it, he also is allergic to all commercial laundry detergents. we've eliminated all of these things 100%, been eating the same safe things over and over for over 2 yrs now and finally reached that holy grail of allergyworld - baseline.
8 Steps for Cancer Prevention
Cancer prevention?
Maybe I should have titled the subject line “Illness Prevention.” But the big C always gets people’s attention. Especially when 1 in 3 women and 1 in 2 men are getting cancer now.
So why not change a few things to reduce your risk?
1 Eat more vegetables
Vegetables aren’t just delicious and filled with vitamins and nutrients; they also contain a lot of fiber, antioxidants, and beta-carotene. All of these help reduce your risk. Eating vegetables makes your body more alkaline, which is also good for preventing any illness.
For more on why eating a more plant based diet is better for you and the environment, please read another great resource at
2 Go organic
Organic food not only tastes better, it doesn’t have all those pesticides, antibiotics, steroids and growth hormones that can make you very sick. A lot of people say to me organic costs more. One trick is to go to your local farmer’s market right before closing. The vendors are practically giving their products away. Plus, eating organic is much cheaper than getting sick, missing work, and having medical expenses.
3 Sweat more
Sweating releases toxins through the skin. Fewer toxins in your body, the lower your risk of getting sick. Go for a hike, take a power yoga class, or sit in a sauna on a regular basis.
4 Do a liver cleanse on a regular basis
If you’ve been getting my newsletters for a while, you know I’m a fan of doing a safe cleanse at least once a year. Along with sweating, a liver cleanse will flush out the bad stuff that’s stuck in your liver.
5 Taking care of your mental health
Stress can weaken your immune system. Thus, making you more susceptible to getting sick. So whether it’s meditating, therapy, a spiritual practice, exercise, or all of the above, please take care of you!
6 Avoid sugar, including sugar substitutes, and dairy
Sugar feeds cancer. Eat some fruit instead. And dairy is mucous forming, since it’s mucous too. Try milk alternatives, such as hemp, almond, or rice. You can get really creative and make your own.
7 Deep breathing
Cancer cells won’t thrive in a highly oxygenated body. So take out that yoga mat and breathe.
8 Don’t store or cook your food in plastic.
Highly heated plastics release dioxin (carcinogens) into your food and ultimately into the cells of the body. In fact, avoid using plastic altogether.
See? That wasn’t so hard, was it? Knowing that you’ve taken the first steps to being disease free can be liberating.
Live natural. Live well.
From Elephan Journal