Just recently a law was proposed to ban plastic in our state of Oregon. I was thrilled about it because it's definitely the right direction. We used reusable bags made out of canvas or recycled plastic and I've seen many people do the same. It's time to make others realize it's not a choice anymore. We need to switch now!
The massive amounts of plastics we use are so huge that we are impacting our food.
Plastic Sushi Anyone? from 5 Gyres on Vimeo.
When we talk about the impacts we also have to think about the environment. I'm not posting these images for shock value. It's more from a mother's view. The albatross collects food to feed it's young and so many baby animals are dieing of starvation with full bellies. Makes my cry every time I hear about this. We as mother's are trying to feed our babies the best we can. We have choices. These animals do not know the difference between a bright bottle cap and food.

This huge waste is also effecting our oceans. Massive pools of swirling plastic junk are in our oceans. There are 5 major pools now. Check out this site for more info and what to do about changing your habits. http://5gyres.org/
We as consumers do have the power to change this. Next time you go shopping be aware of what you put in your cart. Count the items that are in plastic containers. Be aware of your impact is regarding your waste. And if you aren't already recycling...Please find a way to make small changes everyday to eventually recycle all the plastic products you use.
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